速報APP / 工具 / Lenovo Note Saver

Lenovo Note Saver





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Lenovo Note Saver(圖1)-速報App

Note Saver is Yoga Book’s companion app for instantly capturing ideas and jotting down thoughts. Taking notes and sketching is as natural as putting pen to paper.

Key features

Quick Notes

- Long-press the pen icon on Yoga Book from any mode and Note Saver is ready to start putting your thoughts to paper.

Create content

- Three different treatments (pen, pencil, marker) to suit you for writing, sketching, and editing.

- Customizable colors give you the best experience for taking richer notes

- Multiple paper types (blank, ruled, graph and more)

- Insert text, pictures and audio recordings into your notes

Lenovo Note Saver(圖2)-速報App

Manage content

- Personalize each of your notebooks’ covers and titles

- Quickly create a new notebook with the press of a button

- View all your pages at a glance with thumbnail previews

- Search your text notes

- Easily export your pages to other supporting apps

- Notes can be synced and shared to other Yoga Books for further editing.

Note Saver is a simple-to-use writing tool that allows you to take notes and sketch.

Lenovo Note Saver(圖3)-速報App

Lenovo Note Saver specially designed for YOGA BOOK devices.

Lenovo Note Saver(圖4)-速報App